Monday, July 7, 2008

Screw symbian and their DRM

I've been struggling for a week now with that piece of metal of mine (mobile phone) trying to install a simple app and yet I couldn't !!. The problem is that symbian (God saves their brains!) decided that no application to be installed on your very own mobile except if it's signed by symbian (hmm maybe someone is paranoid over there or something!!! ) . Of course there's that "self signing" thing that you can do. But it only grants you access to limited set of APIs and you cannot access all system calls. Funny it is how this DRM stuff work. You have your mobile at your palm and you app on you pc and due to some DRM "issues" you can't install it!!. My last option is to hack the image of my symbian OS to make it bypass signing from the beginning. I was hoping not to come to this part because the place where i read this article it had this big warning

" !!!!!!! This hack is not for the faint hearted and is known to brick a few models that perform a CRC check. Anything that you do following the article below is at your own risk and responsibility.!!!!!!"
so i decided to wait and give it another try with searching.

Symbian was so generous to allow people to have their apps signed online (What if I don't want anybody to see my app?!!! , what a big nose !) and of course this online signing is also limited to the IMEI and must have the UID same as the email that you wrote in the app. itself. which means that you can't give your app to some friends to try it. shame on you! ... symbian people are the best guys can't you see it!

And last but not least of symbian's generousity is their developers' signing request program. If you are a developer and you want a certificate to test up some apps. you can send a request to symbian and they will give you one. However the trick here is that you have to sign up with your email which MUS NOT be a public known or unknown! free email service provider neither it can be any domain with lots of people signing up from. Whenever a domain (even it's your domain) has a certain limit of users singed up from, it gets banned!! .. so you can imagine how many free emails I've singed up in the last couple of days and tried with that stupid program.

ANYWAY, like a friend of mine always says "A brownie can always solve the problem" . I think I'll just eat some brownies and try to forget.... (hhh sighs)

UPDATE: I used a hack that was mentioned in the comments. Thanks Sheero for the hack , it WORKEDDD :D saved my day (or month actually!) I shall rename the post "God saves old friends (& screw symbian & their DRM!)" LOL .. I think um gonna save the cookies for some other problems.

1 comment:

  1. HEY SEFO's ,


    You will need certain softwares and a PC:

    1. Download and Install ActivePython on your PC
    2. Download and Install PySerial
    3. The magic python script and TRK application
    a.) for Nokia (n95 ,n82 ,etc.) + AppTRK / (for n73, n80 etc) + AppTRK (Thanks to FCA00000)
    4. Application to turn security on and off (from phone)
    a.) for Nokia (n95 ,n82 ,n73 ,n80 etc.) (Thanks to FCA00000)

    The Real Part:

    1. Install the AppTRK application on your phone's memory and start it, then in options>settings, select connection as USB.
    2. Connect your phone to your PC via USB in PC Suite mode and then AppTRK will report connected on your phone
    3. Go to Control Panel>System>Hardware>Device Manager>Ports
    OR in Windows Vista: Control Panel>System>Device Manager>Ports.
    Note the COM Port your phone is using
    4. Open the python script in notepad (the one downloaded in step 3 with .py extension)
    5. Search "serial.serial" without quotes and then replace the numerical value in bracket with the value of your COM Port minus 1 i.e. if your port was 22 then replace it with 21.
    6. Save the file
    7. Run the script by simply double clicking it
    8. Now if you see something like !!!!!!candidate!!!!!!! in the output window, or if you just saw the dos window and a few lines saying installing or sending etc, then.....
    congratulations now your phone is really yours!!
    9. Now you can exit the AppTRK application.
    10. Verify the hack with X-Plore Or Any File Explorer Other than Phones Default , and If used Explore , Change program configuration to allow showing hidden files and system files , see if you can explore c:/sys/
    I. copy CProfDriver_SISX.ldd from RAR downloaded in step 4a into C:\sys\bin
    II. install CapsOn.sisx
    III. install CapsOff.sisx
    13. Now you can switch security on and off without pc through these applications
    CapsOff = Security OFF and do whatever you want to do with your phone
    CapsOn = Restrictions ON

    HAVE FUN !!! YO YO

    Cedits go to FCA00000, leftup & others for this hack :D
